| Chamonix, Insted, Study languages


There are many great ways to improve your French. No need to sweat for hours a day, cramming in as much as you possibly can from a boring textbook. How about spending short bursts of time studying and slowly immersing yourself in the language in other ways? For example try spending an hour each day listening to French music or the local radio station; Then you can thoroughly enjoy those songs you hear in the supermarket! Apart from the classic singers that we all know such as Edith Piaf, Serge Gainsbourg, Charles Aznavour…here are a few current artists you might want to try out:


Comme Des Enfants by Cœur de Pirate

Elle me dit by Mika

Formidable (Ceci n’est pas une leçon) by Stromae

Je veux by Zaz

Avenir by Louane